Warcraft III Maps

Here you find a complete compilation of my Warcraft III maps.
Note that my best and most ambitious maps have their own, dedicated pages on this site:

The Dwarven Monster Slayers
The Shadow over Bleachwood
Aeon of War

All other Warcraft III maps I’ve made are listed below:

BUGS! | download
This map features some fresh and original gameplay as players get to play little bugs in a small carrot garden with a lot of other deadly insects around (like bees, ants, or the big bad giant spider). The game features survival and evolve gameplay, maybe a bit similiar to the game Spore. Following Darwin’s law, players need to kill other insects in order to evolve their bugs, get stronger and become the most powerful bug in the carrot garden.

Dawn of Glory | download
This map is definitely a big step forward in terms of quality when comparing it to my 3 older AoS maps you find below. The map has a strong competitive aspect as heroes grow stronger for killing other heroes. I’d say balance still isn’t completely perfect here, but this map definitely can be a lot fun.

Judgement Day | download
Another AoS map, this time of epic size and filled with a lot of stuff, like arena, bosses, side-quests, etc. I think it can be fun when played on LAN and seeking for a long and relaxed AoS game. The map also offers a special and pretty tough challenge mode when playing against a full AI controlled team.

My second WCIII map. It is overally better than Good and Evil and involves some interesting aspects like purchasable troops or the “the army of ogres”.
It is not very well balanced or polished, but I think it can be a lot of fun though.

Good and Evil
The first WCIII map I’ve ever made. Today I’d say it is a pretty poorly made AoS map.
However, to make this list complete and for nostalgia reasons, I’d like to mention it here. And even though the map has really simple terrain and not very original heroes, it still can be fun at times.