
RealDuke is a very early mod project of mine that never saw any public releases. This mod does not feature a particular theme and is more or less a loose and unpolished compilation of most of the levels, enemies and mods I had created for Duke Nukem 3D in my younger days. For example, particular mods include over-the-top gore effects, higher and more realistic weapons damage, small tinkerings like bosses growing to super-size after being hit with shrinkray, etc.

The most iconic type of levels I made in this time were the so called “chaos” levels which were actually inspired by an idea of a friend of mine. These levels follow a simple but fun concept: players play coop, usually starting in a bunker, base or something with access to various weapons, while the whole map is like a big battleground filled with tons of enemies and multiple bosses. The result is instant action and raw multiplayer coop fun.